Wordless Wednesday: Ghanaian Wheelchair



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5 responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Ghanaian Wheelchair

  1. Haha! Laughed out loud. Love the African ingenuity.

  2. Hi,
    Just stumbled across your blog today. It looks like this man was a fortunate recipient of a wheelchair from the Free Wheelchair Mission:
    I look forward to reading through your blog.

    • Tywonn

      Hi Rebecca. Thanks so much for checking out our blog. I don’t know if you read some of the other posts, but I took this picture on a medical outreach to a small Ghanaian village about 2 1/2 hours from Accra. I’ve actually seen a few wheelchairs with this design in Accra, as well. I never heard of FWM before and appreciate you bringing that organization to my attention. I checked out your blog and noticed that you adopted from Ghana. I help at an orphanage called Beacon House located in East Legon, Accra. I wonder if you’ve heard of it. I wish you the best with your beautiful children!

      • Tywonn,
        Thanks so much for the reply. Our twins lived at BH for 7 months before coming home to us. We were blessed to have Romana in our home last week. My husband is a counselor so he was fascinated by the missionary counseling component of your ministry. We have dear friends in process to adopt 2 little girls at BH as well.. I would love to keep in touch.
        With Joy- Rebecca

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